Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Least Bad Outcome

It looks like the US Government will have barely enough votes in Congress to enable the President to veto a move by Congress to scuttle the Iran nuclear deal. This will probably be the best possible outcome. If Congress were to scuttle the deal, Iran would go ahead and develop nuclear bombs while the other nations in the coalition would feel free to start trading with Iran, effectively breaking the embargo and making a continued pressure by the US almost meaningless. It would put Israel in an even more precarious position. On the other hand by passing the deal by a very narrow margin requiring the President to use his veto power to prevent the deal from being scuttled, it showed the Iranian government how precarious their position is. It forced Secretary Kerry to publicly state how tough we will have to be with Iran and to say publicly that we do not trust their government. It may very well be the least bad of all possible outcomes.

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