Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Tell me my fellow Americans. Where are we now compared to before Trump? Trump came into office as president after 8 years of economic growth during the Obama presidency. President Obama took office during an economic crisis caused by an unnecessary tax cut for the wealthiest Americans during a time of two expensive wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Afghanistan was unavoidable after 9-11, but Iraq was a mistake. I believe George Bush was well intentioned,  but nonetheless the invasion of Iraq was an unnecessary and expensive mistake (in lives, dollars, and America's position in the world). In rescuing America from its economic disaster, Obama saved capitalism. The Trump gang at the Trump Party Convention has tried to paint Biden as a socialist, but that is blatently a typical Trump lie. They seem to neglect mentioning that Trump colluded with Putin's neo-KGB who helped get him elected president through influencing enough gullible Americans in swing states through social media to win Trump the Electoral College (although Hillary Clinton won the popular vote). During his time in office, Trump has falsely claimed the Obama economic growth as his own. He has continued the stock market growth by artificially lowering interest rates. But the stock market today has become detached from real economic growth and instead is propped up by low interest rates. Meanwhile the low interest rate for Trump's rich cronies has robbed America's Treasury creating the greatest deficit America has ever experienced. 

Many Republicans today have temporarily abandoned what was once the Republican Party but is now the shrunken Trump Party. Many of the commentators we see on MSNBC are those Republicans who can not stomach the dishonesty, hypocrisy, bigotry, and treason of Donald Trump and his extremist enablers. These refugees from Trumpism are the true Conservatives. The differences between American Liberals and American Conservatives are not as great as the differences between them and authoritarian Trumpers. In this upcoming election, we need to unite in supporting Joe Biden who truly will represent the majority of Americans. At some time in the future a real moderate conservative Republican Party will re-emerge, and we can duke out the details between us. That's how we will achieve real progress in America.


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