Sunday, November 1, 2020


The last day of the 2020 election is the day after tomorrow, and Trump is getting nervous. He is trying every dirty trick in his bag. He crippled the US Postal Service to keep Americans from sending mail-in ballots. A fleet of his goons surrounded and attacked a Biden Campaign bus in Texas. His phony COVID adviser Dr. Atlas, who considers us Americans a herd that will magically develop herd immunity if we just let the virus kill off the weakest among us, went on RT (Russian propaganda television) to tell us to not protect ourselves from the virus. So in 2 days, God willing, enough Americans will vote for Joe Biden to overcome all the obstacles placed in front of us by Trump, his enablers, his boss Putin, and Putin’s neo-KGB to usher in a new age of normalcy, competence, and honesty to clean up the mess left by Trump and his gang and to bring Trump’s virus epidemic under control.

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