Saturday, February 1, 2020


I would call myself a moderately progressive Democrat. My favorite candidates in the 2020 presidential election are Biden, Buttigieg, and Klobuchar. Actually, most of the Democratic candidates would be fine. All would be an improvement over Trump. My least favorite Democratic candidate would be Sanders, but if he were nominated I would vote for him in this election. Anyone would be better than Trump. Trump is a crook, a liar, a cheater, a bully, and a thug. Trump is selling out America to Putin the dictator of Russia to further his own interests. He has corrupted the Republican party. Although I disagree with many of Bernie's policies, he is honest and well meaning.
Trump is coasting on the coat tails of the Obama economic recovery. The Trump continuation of the Obama recovery appears on the surface to be OK, but it is rotten underneath. His tax scam charity for a small number of rich billionaires (including Trump and gang) is propped up by the government borrowing money creating the largest deficit in history. The next president will have to clean up the Trump deficit after the crash, repair and ultimately improve the social programs that Trump has destroyed, and restore America's post Trump world standing. The problem calls for pragmatism. Bernie has created unrealistic expectations that could impede progress.

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