Thursday, September 3, 2020


Black lives matter as all lives matter. The killings of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, as well as many others were equally tragic and equally unjust. Ahmaud Arbery was hunted down and murdered by two armed White Supremacists who pursued him and shot him while he was jogging because he was Black. This was obvious first degree murder. George Floyd was murdered by a policeman who unnecessarily and illegally choked him to death by placing his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck. One might argue what degree of murder, but it was murder. 

Breonna Taylor's killing was certainly tragic, wrong, and unjust, but who was guilty of what? In that case the police erroneously broke down the door of her apartment (it was the wrong apartment and the culprit they were pursuing was already in police custody) without announcing themselves thus waking up Miss Taylor and her boyfriend. The boyfriend who was in legal possession of a gun fired at the door thinking it was intruders prompting the police to fire back killing Miss Taylor. The police certainly acted with gross incompetence and malpractice, should have been fired, should have lost their licenses to carry guns forever, and should have been liable financially. But where is the greatest guilt? The greatest guilt is in the gun anarchy that exists in America, in the NRA, in the notion that the Second Amendment (which is of doubtful interpretation) allows anyone to carry any kind of firearm at will, in  the greed of the gun industry that will promote any crazy injustice that will bring them money. Racial bias does exist among some policemen and must be corrected with police reform, but correcting the problem of wrongful disproportionate killing of Black men needs gun control to complete the solution to the problem for the safety of all Americans. 

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