There is no question that Israel was justified in responding to the rocket attacks from Gaza with retaliation to destroy the Hamas rocket launchers. Hamas fired first and Israel responded. Targeting the terrorist leaders has been effective and ultimately saves other lives on both sides. Israel left Gaza unilaterally and therefore obviously does not want to own or rule the place. Hamas has publicly declared it wants to destroy Israel and backed up that claim with numerous rocket attacks on Israel over years, making life for Israelis living within range of the Hamas rockets difficult and dangerous.
Having said that, no matter how intransigent and difficult your enemy is, to demonize him and say peace is hopeless because he will never change creates a self fulfilling prophesy and is therefore counterproductive. Actually both sides have common interests. Both sides need peace and prosperity. The mullah theocracy in Iran threatens both sides. Centuries of European anti-semitism made a Jewish State a necessity, and the surrounding Arab dictatorships made Israel the scapegoat for their own failings. Israel is here to stay and will not be undone, but the Arabs are also present and won't go away. Hopefully, some day the people on both sides will come to grips with reality, and the Zionist dream of an Israel at peace with its surroundings will become complete.