Sunday, July 29, 2018


Russia has excelled in the arts and literature. It has produced great musicians (Haifetz, Rubenstein, and others), composers (Tchaikovsky, Glazunov, Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov, and others), writers (Dostoyevsky, Chekov, Tolstoy,and others), ballet dancers (Pavlova, Nijinsky, and others). In the sciences, the Russian chemist Mendeleev formulated the periodic table of elements, the physiologist Pavlov did research in conditioning behavior. There have been many other great Russian scientists. One might say that out of one of the largest populations in the world one is bound to find some talented people, but nonetheless one can not deny that the Russian people have excelled in the arts and sciences.

However, when it comes to government, Russia has fallen behind both historically and in the present. Russia lived through centuries of oppressive Czarist rule, but during most of that time most countries were monarchies. The end of serfdom came late to Russia when Alexander II (probably the most progressive of all Russian czars) freed the serfs in 1861, but after he was assassinated in 1881 his son Alexander III became one of the most repressive czars. After the first Russian Revolution in 1917 the Provisional Government led by Alexander Kerensky attempted democracy but failed and was overturned after 8 months by the October Revolution which brought in the Communist government lead by Lenin, later Stalin, and then a succession of other leaders. The Communist government ultimately brought order and socialism combined with authoritarianism which became particularly repressive under Stalin. Communism ended and the Soviet Union broke up into 15 independent republics in 1991, leaving Russia as smaller than the Soviet Union but still one of the largest countries in the world. The socialist side of communism then ended in Russia bringing a reactive extreme capitalism. Russia under Boris Yeltsen became afflicted with chaos and poverty. Then Putin stepped in and brought order but also extreme authoritarianism, nativism, and repression of anyone who opposed him. Russia’s brief and poorly executed flirtation with democracy ended, which is where Russia is today.

Russia has long been an introvert country with a fear of intrusion from the West. The idea of their former republics and satellites joining the West and bringing NATO to their western border drives them crazy. In Putin’s view, his mission is to protect Russia by undermining and weakening the West, especially the USA. This policy is a continuation of what the Communist Soviet union did during the cold war. But now instead of the communist Soviet Union dictatorship it is an oligarchical kleptocratic Russian dictatorship. It is still the same Russian paranoia and anti-globalism. It is Putin’s view that democracy brings chaos and dictatorship brings stability. Now Putin’s intelligence services have compromised a number of leaders in their former satellites and beyond. It appears that they have been successful at the present time in compromising the American president (Trump) and a number of gullible Trump supporter including those in the American Congress. However, the election of Trump has awakened the American people to the threat. Since Trump’s election, Americans have demonstrated in large numbers and have joined campaigns to encourage voters. The free press which at first tried to be even handed finally realized that it is impossible to be even handed with a perpetual liar like Trump. Our intelligence services which Putin thought were asleep have been watching Putin’s hackers all along and compiling the truth.

Unlike Russia, we have an almost 250 years history of democracy, immigration, and diversity. Democracy appears to be fragile, but here in America now awakened, it will come roaring back. And when it returns, our alliance with NATO will be stronger than ever.

One last thing, we hear in the news about Russian hacking and the Russian threat. The enemy is Putin, not all the Russians. There are people in Russia who would oppose him, but it is not safe to do so. A number of his opponents have been assassinated. Democracy does not always come easily. Perhaps one day it will come to Russia.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018


Mr. Netanyahu,
Your love affair with Donald Trump goes against the interests of the Jewish people and makes Israel less safe. Most Jews in America oppose Trump and are turned off by your support of him. The American Jews are Israel’s most numerous and important supporters in the Diaspora, but your support of Trump drives a wedge between American Jewry and Israel. Most of us are ardent supporters of Israel but you create a conflict which weakens that support. We are now torn between our concern for Israel and our concern for our own country which has been taken over by a tyrant in the service of Vladimir Putin.

Trump colludes with Putin in his attack on democracy and has broken our alliance with the western democratic nations including Canada, Western Europe, and others. In the long run it is in Israel’s interest to be part of the democratic world and not part of an autocratic axis led by Putin and followed by Trump.

I know you are opposed to the Iran deal, but it is actually a fairly good deal with verifications that have been working and therefore protects Israel. If we are lucky, Europe will keep it going despite Trump. As for moving the American embassy to Jerusalem, any benefit to Israel is only symbolic while it further isolates Israel, removes America as a broker in future negotiations, and mainly benefits Israel’s enemies. The good that Israel is doing is being drowned out by the bad. And you can not blame it all on Israel’s enemies. Much of it is self-inflicted by the Hard Right leaders and settlers to whom you pander.

Trump is temporary. Americans are increasingly becoming fed up with Trump’s corruption, immorality, incompetence, and treason in the service of Putin. Mr. Netanyahu, your affair with Trump is putting Israel on the wrong side of history. The Mueller Investigation is closing in on Trump, and after the November election he will most likely no longer have control over Congress. Trump might very well be impeached and removed from the presidency. When Trump is gone, we Jews in America will still support Israel, but that support will be more difficult, and Israel will have to repair the damage it will have done to itself.