Friday, June 25, 2021



The population of the District of Columbia was 689,545 in 2020. In that same year, the population of Wyoming was 595,653. Yet the people of Wyoming enjoy statehood including electing 2 senators and one representative to Congress. Why do the people of DC not enjoy the same representation? Is it because DC has a large Black population and Wyoming is mostly White? Is it because most of the people in DC are Democrats and most of those in Wyoming are Republicans? The American citizens of DC deserve the same representation as those of Wyoming. Our fellow Americans in DC deserve the same citizenship as the rest of us. America needs statehood for the District of Columbia.

Thursday, June 10, 2021


 I am a Democrat and consider myself a liberal both in American and International politics. I often agree with positions taken by Daily Kos (not always). Recently Daily Kos took a position more than just critical of the action of Israel in regard to Gaza and asked that the readers advocate that position. In this case I felt that I needed to reply, This is my reply:

"I do not agree with your one sided request of blaming Israel for the recent war between Israel and Gaza,. I would criticize Israel for evicting some Palestinians from their Jerusalem homes that were acquired after the 1948 war because many people were displaced on both sides.

However your criticism of Israel for bombing Gaza neglects to mention that Gaza started the conflict by shooting rockets at Israel. What would be your suggestion for Israel's response? To simply sit still quietly and allow the Gaza rockets to kill Israeli citizens (including Israeli Arabs)?

Incidentally, the separation of Gaza from Israel was originally intended as a first step in the creation of an independent Palestinian state peacefully living side by side with Israel. Gaza was chosen as the first step because of its distance from the population center of Israel (compared to the West Bank). Unfortunately the people of Gaza elected Hamas as their government. Hamas then proceeded to attack Israel with rockets and terrorists tunneling under the border." I would add that the goal of Hamas is not a Palestinian state existing side by side with Israel, but rather a Hamas Palestinian state from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River with no Jews in it.