Saturday, October 31, 2020


Donald Trump: You are such an idiot (and a sociopath)! You tried to sweep the COVID pandemic under the rug because you thought it would hurt you politically. If you would have shown some empathy for us American people (even if you would have faked the empathy part), you would have done what American presidents have done in the past (like Lincoln with the Confederacy Rebellion, FDR in World War II, the older George Bush when Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Younger George Bush at 9-11 although he could have eliminated the side war in Iraq, and Barak Obama with the Ebola epidemic) by being honest and stepping up to the plate. But instead you chose the chicken option by pretending the pandemic is no big deal. Well, your stupidity, laziness, and lack of courage has backfired on you. It has exposed what a fake you are. Your loyal zombies who will follow you into any abyss unbelievably make up a shrinking 1/3 of our population. But the election will be won by the 2/3 of us who have come to see you as you are and who will overcome your voter suppression, dismantling of the US Postal Service, gerrymandering, neo-KGB hacking, and other misdeeds to win the election. Donald, you exposed yourself. America has been hit harder by COVID then any other country in the developed world because of your mismanagement. It is time for you to step aside when we get Joe Biden as a real president. Remember Donald, COVID! COVID! COVID! will remain in your nightmares.

Friday, October 30, 2020


The USA has existed and grown as a democratic republic for more than 200 years. The freedom of our republic has been challenged by the corruption, dishonesty, chaos, incompetence, and self-serving immorality of Donald Trump more than it has ever been challenged before. I believe that the Trump test is in the same league as the test posed by the Confederacy during their rebellion that we call the Civil War. The election has begun. Millions of votes have been already cast. The voting will culminate in a few days, and it will likely take some days after that to get the results. The Trump Party has put their thumbs on the scale as we have never seen before including the use of cyber attacks by Putin’s neo-KGB, crippling the US Postal Service to stop mail-in votes, placing obstacles to make voting difficult for voters, and even sending armed goons to voting places to intimidate voters. We need every patriotic American to vote. We need overwhelming numbers of voters (Democrats, Independents, and Lincoln Republicans) to overcome Trump’s shrinking minority and show the world that democracy still exists in America.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020


Donald Trump is the great virus spreader. As Johnny Apple Seed was supposed to have gone around spreading apple tree seeds, Trump is going around maskless encouraging his followers to avoid masks and social distancing exposing their noses, mouths, and lungs to COVID19 virus particles. In Trump's mind promoting his political goals takes precedence over the health of his faithful. Other accomplishments of Trump include using his presidency to line his personal pockets, defending his buddy Putin, and opposing America’s allies. Trump lies incessantly. He just makes up stuff that suit him politically. The list goes on and on, but the details are too numerous to tell them all here.



Vote now if you haven’t already done so.

Sunday, October 25, 2020


Trump now says that he would fire Gina Haspel, the CIA director, and Christopher Wray, the FBI director, if Trump gets elected for another term. Why? These are patriotic experts who rose up in those organizations. Who would replace them? I strongly suspect Trump would replace them with political hacks slavishly loyal to Trump and his mentor Vladimir Putin, essentially removing some of the last defenders of American democracy. This could complete the plot of Putin and his neo-KGB to undermine our country.


Saturday, October 24, 2020


America: The election is 10 days from now. If you have not yet voted, remember to vote. You can vote early, by mail or at the voting booth if you live in a state that allows early voting. Trump has damaged the US Postal Service to interfere with your vote, so if you mail your ballot in the mail box start early. If you use a drop box, find out where it is located and go there to drop off your ballot. Make sure it is a legitimate drop box. Some Trumpers in California have set up phony drop off boxes to steal Biden ballots. In any event, make sure your vote is counted. Also, anything strange on social media is suspect of being pro-Trump interference by neo-KGB Russian hackers posing as Americans. Beware of armed goons near polling booths who are there to intimidate American voters to vote for Trump. So, Americans, VOTE! Vote as early as possible. Plan your vote to be sure it gets where it is supposed to go and on time. American democracy is at stake. So VOTE. This is the most important election ever. Don’t let Trump and Putin destroy our democracy. We pro-Biden and anti-Trump Americans are the majority. We can win if we vote. We can lose if we do not vote. America depends on YOU! Democrats, Independents, Lincoln Republicans, Uncommitted, and anyone else, VOTE! Vote for Biden to unify America, to lead us out of Trump’s COVID catastrophe, to bring honesty and sanity back to American government, to bring back America’s standing in the world, and to move America forward!

Friday, October 23, 2020


 Joe Biden gives us practical realistic honest details of what he will do to control the COVID epidemic in the USA if he will be elected president and especially if he will have a practical realistic honest Senate to work with him. Donald Trump only tells us lies and slogans but no real plan.

Saturday, October 17, 2020


Dear Senator Perdoodoo (alias David Perdue of Georgia).

Ordinarily I would not address a US senator with a nickname, but since you have mocked the name of your fellow Senator Kamala Harris publicly on television, you certainly should not object to me making fun of your name. I apologize to anyone else in your family who shares the Perdue name, but as for you the doodoo part of your nickname aptly fits your words.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Is Judge Amy Coney Barrett a vegetarian? I googled that question and found no answer. My guess is that the no answer on google suggests that she is not a vegetarian although I could be wrong. My reason for posing the question is that Judge Barrett considers abortion morally wrong in that anti-abortionists consider the human fetus an independent human being. Pro-abortionists think of the human fetus as a part of the mother and therefore it is up to the mother to decide. Abortion is legal in the USA. The question of when in the pregnancy should abortion be legal varies from state to state and in the opinions of various people. It is also dependent on the health of the mother and the health of the fetus. Many of us feel that if the pregnancy is threatening the life of the mother, the mother’s life should take precedence at any stage. Also if it is obvious that the fetus has a developmental condition that would lead to a severely poor quality of life for the child, that would be reason for abortion.

Now why do I ask the question about vegetarianism? I, myself, am not a vegetarian. I limit my meat consumption, especially mammals, not so much out of pity for those animals, but more for health purposes and because nowadays plant based tasty imitation meat is readily available. However if one were to compare the consciousness of an adult cow or even a calf to a first trimester human fetus, the cow or calf is more conscious, more emotional, and therefore one might say has more of a soul.

Sunday, October 11, 2020


The Republicans have recently accused the Democrats of daring to consider “packing” the Supreme Court if the Republican Senate and President push through Radical Right Judge Amy Comey Barrett to replace Liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the last moments before the lame duck Republican President and Senate leave office (assuming the upcoming election brings in Joe Biden as President and a majority of Democrats in the Senate). The fact is that the Republican Senate hypocritically blocked President Obama from replacing Justice Scalia with Judge Merrick Garland about one year before the end of Obama’s presidency and is now pushing through Judge Barrett in the last days of Trump’s presidency and the present Senate using the exact opposite logic in each case because one logic suited them then and the opposite now. It is pure politics without regard to the will of the American people. Now the Republicans complain that Biden and Harris will not answer whether they will pack the Court if elected. But actually there is no reason why Biden or Harris should answer that hypothetical question which is phrased in terminology to make them look bad before the election. Actually the Republicans have packed the Supreme Court and want to continue packing it now because the polls favor the Democrats in the upcoming election. If the Republican packing succeeds, the Supreme Court will have 6 judges on the Right and only 3 on the Left. The remedy to this unbalanced Court would be for the Democrats to change the size of the Supreme Court by adding 3 more judges and appoint liberal judges to take those positions after the Democrats take office, thus making it 6 tending one way and 6 tending the other way. There is nothing in the Constitution that sets the number of Supreme Court justices, and historically it has been changed in the past.

Thursday, October 8, 2020


A violent radical Right-Wing terrorist group called the Wolverine Watchmen was discovered and arrested by Michigan authorities and the FBI for plotting to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan. That group likes to swagger around sporting assault rifles. They claim that their reason for targeting Governor Whitmer is her executive order mandating the wearing of masks to help curb the spread of the COVID19 virus. President Trump has opposed mandating mask wearing and social distancing because he wants to downplay the threat of COVID19. He wanted to downplay the threat early in the epidemic because he considered that downplay to benefit him politically. The Wolverine Watchmen are one of the racist Radical Right groups that President Trump favors. They consider mandating masks to be an infringement on their rights. I wonder if they consider mandating automobile insurance also as an infringement on their rights. Apparently they and Trump forget that spreading the COVID virus is an infringement on the rights of others around them. Trump was informed early in the arrival of the pandemic in the USA of the danger of the virus, but he chose to hide that danger from the American people (we have it on tape recorded by Bob Woodward). Apparently he thought it would benefit him politically to do so.

Monday, October 5, 2020


 Dr. Scott Atlas (a radiologist and not an infectious disease expert or epidemiologist) is now Trump’s advisor who advocates herd immunity. Herd immunity is the concept that if you just allow an epidemic to progress unchecked, the herd (community) will develop enough immune survivors to control the epidemic. So now President Trump (who does not do mask wearing and social distancing and who has discouraged others from practicing those measures) has himself become infected with COVID19 and has been hospitalized for that disease. Welcome Mr. President to the herd.

Saturday, October 3, 2020


America is the land of opportunity. It is that opportunity that has attracted immigrants from all over the world for many years. But that American opportunity has been incomplete when unfettered to the point of allowing social and economic injustice. That injustice was seen in the sweat shops of a century ago and taken to the extreme in the slavery that existed in the South before the Civil War. The after effects of that slavery persisted after the Civil War and have been slow to end. Although diminished, they persist in varying degrees to the present. Economically many of the wealthiest Americans desperately want to maximize their wealth as much as possible in relation to their fellow Americans and are willing to take any measures including the suppression of democracy to retain that maximization. Inequities are not just economic. Some Americans desperately feel the need to retain the social position given to them because of their race, religion, or country of origin of their ancestors and are willing to suppress the rights of their neighbors to retain that social position.

In the upcoming election, President Trump has been enabled to lie and cheat because he represents a shrinking radical right minority who wish to retain out of control economic and social advantages. Joe Biden in the primary election defeated and then reached agreement with the farther left faction of his party who tried to get ahead of the reality of this point in time. Biden represents the realistic centrism that can pull America together today. VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT AND KAMALA HARRIS FOR VICE PRESIDENT! Most important, VOTE! VOTE EARLY! VOTE IN WHICHEVER WAY WORKS BEST FOR YOU! MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE IS RECEIVED AND COUNTED! IF WE STICK TOGETHER IN THIS CRUCIAL ELECTION, WE CAN DUKE OUT OUR DIFFERENT IDEAS IN THE NEXT ELECTION.

Friday, October 2, 2020


It is now reported that President Trump, Melania Trump, and Hope Hicks have tested positive for COVID19. What did they expect when they pack together without masks like sardines to make his rallies look big? Trump’s false narrative that face masks and social distancing are not necessary has come back to bite him. How many other people who attended the rallies have contracted the virus? We know that one of his ardent supporters, Herman Cain, died of coronavirus after attending one of Trump’s rallies.