In a previous entry, I suggested Kamala Harris for
president in 2020. I would also like to suggest Al Franken, one of them for
president and the other for vice-president. Maybe Franken should be the one for
president in 2020 because he is older and then Harris in 2028, but the reverse
would be OK. I think they would make a great team.
There are 2 considerations. Who would be the best at
doing the job of being president and who would have the best chance of getting
elected? Hillary Clinton would have done an infinitely better job of being
president than Donald Trump, but she did not win the election. Had she been a
better campaigner she might have overcome the effects of the Putin hacking and
the gerrymandered electoral college. Competence and winning the popular vote
did not make her president.
As for doing the job, both Franken and Harris seem to be
pragmatic liberals. Ideals are necessary, but one has to get them done. Some
examples of necessary ideals are universal affordable health care, protection
and encouragement of immigrants, gun control, a balanced well run long term
economy (as opposed to a Far Right free for all economy that favors quick buck
artists and predators at the expense of everyone else). Those are a few
examples, but the list goes on. I believe both of them are left of center
moderates who are willing to work with corporate America if those corporations
are willing to share a fair part of their success with the rest of us whose
labor fuels that success. Both are senators who know and can work with
As for getting elected, both of them are interesting
people. Harris is a former state attorney general, a woman, and of a racially diverse
ancestry. Franken is a former comedian who has shown an ability to seriously
conduct the work of a senator. His satirical ability and sense of humor would
serve him well in the White House as well as on the campaign trail. Also
together they represent both the coasts and the center of America, Harris from
Coastal California and Franken from Midwestern Minnesota (and for you East Coasters Franken spent time in New York when he worked at Saturday Night Live.
After the chaotic, stifling, and destructive team of
Trump and Pence, Franken and Harris would be the breath of fresh air needed to
clean up the mess that will be left behind by the present team.