Friday, July 31, 2020
Trump falsely claims that Vote by Mail might enable voter fraud. That is a TRUMP LIE. The contrary is true. Suppressing vote by mail is VOTER SUPPRESSION. Voting by mail is particularly important to allow voters to vote from their homes without exposure to COVID19. The Trump gang want to suppress the vote by making voting difficult and dangerous for Americans. Trump wants voting to be inconvenient for his opponents. Trump wants you to risk getting sick if you you oppose him. Trump has installed one of his cronies to head the US postal service to try as much as he can to screw it up. TRUMP IS THE MOST CORRUPT AND DISHONEST PRESIDENT TO EVER OCCUPY THE WHITE HOUSE! WE AMERICANS MUST VOTE TRUMP AND HIS CRONIES OUT OF OFFICE ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2020. MAIL IN YOUR BALLOT AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. The Trump gang will try every trick to deny your vote!
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Three former presidents spoke at the funeral of Congressman John Lewis today, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barak Obama. A 4th former president, Jimmy Carter, was not able to attend but sent a letter which was read at the funeral. Three of the above were fellow Democrats. George Bush is a Republican. He essentially said although he and Congressman Lewis disagreed on certain issues, they respected each other. Glaringly absent was President Trump. Our petty present president does not really respect others and does not deserve the respect of others.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Trump says he never discussed Russian bounties to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan in his discussions with Putin. Really??? A foreign dictator puts a bounty on American soldiers, and the President of the USA does not consider the subject important enough to discuss with that dictator during discussions? Other issues are more important? Why? Why does our president suck up to Vladimir Putin? Trump expects servile loyalty to him from everyone else, and takes revenge on anyone else who crosses him? Why is Trump such a coward? Is it because he owes a debt to Putin? Is it because Putin is holding something over Trump? Is Putin dangling some personal monetary reward in front of Trump (like maybe a Trump Tower in Moscow)? Trump never criticizes Putin and plays down any evil actions committed by Putin. What does Putin know about Trump that Trump does not want us to know? We need to remove this compromised traitor from the White House. The opportunity is approaching in November. Trump, his servant Barr, and their cowardly enablers in the senate including Moscow Mitch McConnell must be voted out of office. It will be an uphill battle. The crooks will use every trick they have, including voter suppression and the Electoral College, to steal the election from the majority of Americans. But we the diversified American people must take America back from Trump and his gang of crooks. VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN, DEMOCRATIC SENATORS, AND A DEMOCRATIC HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES! America depends on you.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
William Barr was questioned in a Congressional committee hearing
today broadcast on television. The Republican pro-Trump congressmen gave him easy
softball irrelevant questions. The Democratic congressmen and congresswomen
were more to the point in questioning Barr concerning his suppression of
prosecutions of Trump’s guilty cronies while going after people who Trump considers
his enemies. Examples of the former included suppression of the jailing of General
Flynn and Roger Stone, both of whom were guilty of conspiring with the Russian
neo-KGB in their social media efforts to influence the 2016 US presidential
election to favor Trump over Clinton particularly in the battleground states of
the upper Midwest, thus swinging the Electoral College in Trump’s favor despite
his loss in the popular vote. On the other hand, Barr showed no mercy
concerning Michael Cohen, Trump’s “fixer” who saw the light and spoke the truth
concerning Trump after Donald tried to throw him under the bus. Cohen was
allowed out of jail to home confinement because of the COVID epidemic, but
Trump influenced Barr’s DOJ to send Cohen back to jail for daring to tell the
truth about Boss Trump. Fortunately for Cohen the judge saw through this inequitable
action and sent Cohen back home. When questioned by the Democrats, Barr tried
to evade the questions and appeared combative. He was clearly uncomfortable because
he had no justification for his actions. The Attorney General is supposed to be
the attorney for the American people, not the fixer for a corrupt president.
VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN, DEMOCRATIC SENATORS, AND DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSMEN! Throw out Trump and his Republican enablers in the Senate and House of Representatives!
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Peaceful protesters are working to improve America, but rioters who infiltrate peaceful protests are used by Trump to justify suppression of peaceful protest. Some rioters are just there to steal things. Others stupidly think that rioting is part of the protest. Some are pro-Trump hoodlums who want to discredit the peaceful protests.
Rioting will not help save America. On the contrary, rioting is playing into Trump's hands. So, if you want to make America a better country for all of us, do not riot. Do not give Trump a tool that he can use to win over voters. The way to remove Trump and his enablers is to VOTE! Vote for Joe Biden! Vote for Democratic senators. Vote for Democratic congressmen and congresswomen. Encourage others to vote. Work in the campaigns of Joe Biden, Democratic senators, Democratic congressmen, and Democratic congresswomen. Donate your time and your money to defeat Trump and his enablers. Create a Blue tsunami at the ballot box. An overwhelming popular vote will overcome inequities created by the Electoral College and voter suppression. Once in office, we can create laws to stop voter suppression and replace the electoral college with the popular vote.
Rioting will not help save America. On the contrary, rioting is playing into Trump's hands. So, if you want to make America a better country for all of us, do not riot. Do not give Trump a tool that he can use to win over voters. The way to remove Trump and his enablers is to VOTE! Vote for Joe Biden! Vote for Democratic senators. Vote for Democratic congressmen and congresswomen. Encourage others to vote. Work in the campaigns of Joe Biden, Democratic senators, Democratic congressmen, and Democratic congresswomen. Donate your time and your money to defeat Trump and his enablers. Create a Blue tsunami at the ballot box. An overwhelming popular vote will overcome inequities created by the Electoral College and voter suppression. Once in office, we can create laws to stop voter suppression and replace the electoral college with the popular vote.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Back in the 1960s I received a draft notice. It included an offer to enlist as an officer in the medical corps because I have a medical degree. Therefore, like all physicians who received that letter, I enlisted. I served as an army doctor for 2 years, one year overseas in South Korea and the rest of the time at Fort Sheridan in Illinois. I am not a hero. I served because that is what an ordinary American does. There was a rumor that the government was considering sending our division from Korea to Vietnam, but it did not happen because South Korea sent one of their divisions to Vietnam instead in order to keep us in Korea. I don't know if that rumor was true or not, but if we had been actually transferred over to Vietnam, I would have gone, not with relish but rather because that is what one does.
Some of the army doctors I met in Korea were not Americans. They were foreign doctors who had been doing residency training at hospitals in America and because of the war in Vietnam were drafted into the army. Their choice was to serve 2 years in the US military before completing their residency training or go back to their home countries. They valued their American medical training enough to serve in the US military in order to complete that training. That is what they had to do.
Some Americans who opposed the war went into exile in Canada to avoid the draft. They felt compelled by conscience to do that. One could argue about the correctness of their decision, but they paid for it with years of separation from their country. They did what they thought they had to do.
Then there is Donald Trump, a rich man's son, who avoided the draft because of supposed bone spurs in his feet which magically disappeared after the war ended. It was urgent for Trump to go immediately into his father's business to learn its questionable business practices. One wonders if Trump money was not a factor in influencing the revelation of those "bone spurs."
Many of my fellow Americans who were drafted in those days and ended up in the Vietnam War went home in body bags. Draft Dodger Donald is now President of the United States.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Trump has tested American democracy and American rule of law. He has tested the boundaries of legality and has pushed beyond those boundaries. The election this November will now test America as to whether our free system of government can withstand the test of Trump. Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 but with the help of the electoral college, misinformative social media manipulated by Putin's neo-KGB in collusion with the Trump campaign, loss of interest by some of the Bernie supporters, and naive campaigning by Hillary Clinton's group, Trump eked out a win in the electoral college. The Trump presidency enabled by sycophantic Republican senators has brought disaster to America through a chaotic corrupt opaque administration. America's standing in the world has plummeted. The Trump gang is trying to turn American democracy into tyranny. Most recently, Trump's political unscientific neglect of the COVID crisis with the resultant economic disaster has reduced Trump's support to its lowest level. Yet we Americans must stay focused and vigilant. The Trump gang will use every dirty trick it can muster to win including voter suppression. We Americans (Far Left and Center Left Democrats, Independents, and reasonable Republicans) must come together in November to overwhelmingly defeat the tyranny. If we lose to the tyranny of Trump, Barr, and Putin, the tyranny will be emboldened and freedom could be lost permanently.
VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN! VOTE FOR FEEDOM! Show the world that the American system of representative government has been tested and passed the test.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
The City of Portland, Oregon has been invaded by unmarked paramilitary thugs in camouflage uniforms who have attacked peaceful protesters, beating them, tear gassing them, rounding them up, and tossing them into unmarked vans to be taken away to be interrogated. The local authorities of the City of Portland and the State of Oregon did not invite them and in fact oppose their presence. Trump says they are there to preserve order. What does order mean? Peaceful protest is not disorder. The paramilitary uniformed thugs are the disorderly ones. Who sent this unwanted secret force into Portland? Since Trump has been defending their actions, it probably is the Trump gang, and it must include Attorney General Barr who is in charge of the Department of Justice (although he is trying to turn it into the Department of Injustice). These tactics are reminiscent of the secret police of various dictators. These gestapo-like tactics are indicative that Trump is afraid he is going to lose the election because the majority of the American people, even many of those who voted for him 2016, are seeing how corrupt and incompetent he really is. However, despite what the polls say, Trump, his mentor Vladimir Putin, and the sycophants in government who surround Trump have plenty of dirty tricks up their sleeves including voter suppression.
Fellow Americans, we must all vote! We must encourage others to vote! We must work in campaigns and give money to support the campaigns of Joe Biden and Democratic candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives. We must be a broad tent including Left Democrats, Centrist Democrats, Independents, and rational Right of Center Republicans. American democracy, justice, and competence are at stake. Joe Biden is an honest empathetic man who can appeal to all of us. If we prevail and throw out the Putin, Trump, Barr axis, we can then get to the job of restoring and rebuilding America. When the dust settles, we can then go back to duking it out among us honestly and respectfully with transparency.
Fellow Americans, we must all vote! We must encourage others to vote! We must work in campaigns and give money to support the campaigns of Joe Biden and Democratic candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives. We must be a broad tent including Left Democrats, Centrist Democrats, Independents, and rational Right of Center Republicans. American democracy, justice, and competence are at stake. Joe Biden is an honest empathetic man who can appeal to all of us. If we prevail and throw out the Putin, Trump, Barr axis, we can then get to the job of restoring and rebuilding America. When the dust settles, we can then go back to duking it out among us honestly and respectfully with transparency.
Monday, July 20, 2020
I hear that Trump says he might not leave office when defeated in the upcoming November election claiming voter fraud. In other words he might stage a coup. Why would he do that? Maybe he is afraid that the prosecuters in New York State will prove his guilt in his financial crimes and send him to jail. Maybe he just can't face the fact that the election will show how badly he failed as president. In any event he needs to be defeated in a massive tsunami. The Senate needs to be turned into a majority Democratic body. VOTE FOR BIDEN! ELECT DEMOCRATIC SENATORS! America needs to be rescued from Trump and the scoundrels who surround him.
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Donald Trump is an unusually corrupt and incompetent president just as he was incompetent and corrupt in business. He was a rich kid who inherited money from his rich father and blew it away. Then he laundered money for Putin's Russian oligarchs which put Trump in Putin's pocket. Putin's neo-KGB used social media directed by Trump's gang to sway opinions in key battleground states in Trump's favor enough to win him the electoral college (although he lost the popular vote). The American public is now beginning to wise up to Trump's corruption and incompetence. Most Americans are against Trump, but we must stay focused and vigilant. Trump, Putin, Barr, and the rest of the gang have their feet on the scale. It will be an uphill struggle even though we are the majority. The Trumpers will use every trick in their book. SO VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN! ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO DO THE SAME! GET INVOLVED! AMERICAN DEMOCRACY DEPENDS ON US!
Saturday, July 18, 2020
The EBOLA virus epidemic in West Africa occurred during the Obama administration. President Obama appointed Ron Klain as the coordinator for the response to the virus. The USA led an international response to the epidemic and brought the crisis under control. There were 11 cases seen in the USA, 9 contracted the virus outside of the USA and 2 were nurses who caught the disease from a patient (one of the 9 who caught it outside of the USA). The response of President Obama and his "EBOLA czar" Ron Klain prevented an epidemic from occurring in our country.
The COVID pandemic began in China and spread to other countries including the USA. President Trump tried to sweep the COVID crisis under the rug initially calling it a "hoax." Until a vaccine or effective treatment are created, it has become evident that the appropriate response is wearing masks, social distancing, testing, personal protective equipment for health care providers, honesty with the public, and opening up properly after it is certain that the problem is under control. Europe, South Korea, China, and other countries, after instituting appropriate responses and sticking to them, have contained the virus and are bringing their economies back to a reasonable extent. The pandemic (with its resultant economic disaster) is still out of control in the USA because of the lack of federal leadership under Trump. Trump has treated COVID politically and personally instead of relying on the science.
If Trump had been president during the EBOLA crisis, he would not have led an international response as President Obama had done. He would have said why should we care about what is happening in Africa. That's not our problem. As a result the virus would have spread outside of West Africa to the USA just as COVID has. If President Obama (or the future President Biden) were president now, our response to COVID would have been early, correct, and based on science rather than politics, and the epidemiologic and resulting economic crisis in the USA would be contained. We would again be the world heroes instead of the contaminated ones.
Friday, July 17, 2020
I saw the Rachel Maddow Show yesterday in which she interviewed Mary Trump. Miss Trump's revelation of the dysfunctional family from which her uncle Donald emerged explains much of his corrupt and irrational behavior, his lack of empathy, his dishonesty, his bigotry, and his self-serving actions. I can't wait to read her book. The first distribution sold out immediately, but one can put oneself on the waiting list.
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
We now hear that the White House is demanding that American hospitals must bypass the CDC and instead send their COVID data to a Database controlled by Trump. This database is contracted out to a Trump crony so it can be cleansed of the truth and spun to support Trump politically. This is not in the interests of the American people. This is what dictators do. Trump is panicking because more of the American people are realizing how inept and crooked Trump is. Trump cares more about himself than about the safety of the American people. As his niece, May Trump, reveals in her new book, Trump is a sociopath with no compassion. We the American people must remove this corrupt president from office along with his cronies and enablers in government before they can do more damage. Joe Biden revealed his plan for America in his speech on television yesterday including new jobs in creating renewable energy to bring back our economy correctly. VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN!
Monday, July 13, 2020
President Trump is dishonest, immoral, illiterate, uninformed, petulant, lazy, perverted, and corrupt. He fires assistants who tell the truth or make Trump look bad by being themselves competent. He does not read the briefs submitted to him by his advisors and instead listens to Fox News, Vladimir Putin, incompetent sycophants, and demons in Trump's head. Trump aggravated the COVID epidemic by trying to sweep it under the rug, calling it a "hoax" because he thought acknowledging it would hurt him politically. As a result of Trump's incompetence, the USA has the worst outbreak in the world. Europe and East Asia are now way ahead of us because they were early to take steps to contain the spread. Other countries are afraid to let Americans visit because they fear we will contaminate them.
Under Trump, the deficit has become huge which will cause what is left of the economy to come crashing down. Trump has fired his honest advisors and replaced them with crooks who flatter Trump while they feed at the public trough.
Joe Biden, similar to President Obama, is honest, moral, energetic, literate, informed, empathetic, and able to admit when he has made a mistake. When Joe becomes president he will have an enormous task to clean up the mess that Trump will have left behind.
Under Trump, the deficit has become huge which will cause what is left of the economy to come crashing down. Trump has fired his honest advisors and replaced them with crooks who flatter Trump while they feed at the public trough.
Joe Biden, similar to President Obama, is honest, moral, energetic, literate, informed, empathetic, and able to admit when he has made a mistake. When Joe becomes president he will have an enormous task to clean up the mess that Trump will have left behind.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Robert Mueller has broken his silence after one year and has publicly reminded the American people that he and his group found that Russian Intelligence (Putin's neo-KGB) interfered in the US presidential election in 2016 to favor Trump. They also found that there was communication between Russian Intelligence and people working in the Trump campaign. One of those people in the Trump campaign who communicated with Putin's neo-KGB was Roger Stone who was about to go to jail when President Trump commuted his sentence, thus keeping him out of jail. One has to be gullible to believe that Trump was unaware of the illegal activities of his henchmen. During Trump's presidency the crooks are rewarded, and the honest patriots in government are fired or demoted to be replaced by Trump's crooks. It is time to remove Trump along with his crooks and enablers from government. We need to bring honesty back to government. We will need as many votes as possible to overcome Putin's interference in our elections and to overcome our home grown voter suppression.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Dr. Fauci is physically short and mentally a brave intelligent patriotic giant among his scientific peers. President Trump is physically tall but mentally and emotionally a cowardly, stupid, lazy, lying treasonous petulant corrupt shrimp (the worst president in the history of our country). VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN!
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Trump blocked the promotion of Lt Colonel Alexander Vindman to Full Colonel because he dared to speak the truth. Vindman retired from the military because of this Trump bullying. Vindman is an American hero. Trump conspired with his handler Vladimir Putin and Putin's neo-KGB in their plot to tip the election scale in Trump's favor. Trump is apparently OK with Putin's neo-KGB offering bounties for killing American soldiers in Afghanistan. Trump dodged the draft when called to service during the Vietnam War. Alexander Vindman is an American hero. Trump is a traitor and a coward. Yet Vindman is being forced out of the military, and Trump is president (at least for next few months). VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN! THROW OUT TRUMP AND THE RASCALS WHO SURROUND HIM IN THE WHITE HOUSE AND ENABLE HIM IN THE SENATE!
Trump supporter and apologist Tucker Carlson of Fox News showed extreme hypocrisy by questioning the patriotism of American war heroine Senator Duckworth who lost both of her legs in combat. At the same time he supports Trump the traitor who dodged the draft when called to service, ignored the bounty paid by his mentor Putin via Putin's neo-KGB for the killing of US soldiers in Afghanistan, and colluded with Putin in the use of the neo-KGB internet efforts to sway voters in American swing states in Trump's favor during the 2016 presidential election. VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN TO RETURN HONESTY, COMPETENCE, AND REAL PATRIOTISM TO THE WHITE HOUSE.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Washington, DC has a population of about 721,000 people. It is one of the great cities of our country with more than its share of cultural and academic institutions. Two states, Wyoming with about 596,000 people and Vermont with about 626,000 people are smaller in population. Alaska with about 774,000 people, North Dakota with about 824,000 people, and South Dakota with about 903,000 people are slightly larger but in the same general league of small states. So why is DC still not a state? Why are 721,00 of our fellow citizens disenfranchised? I lived in DC for 1 year when I did my internship at the Washington Hospital Center. Rabbi Albert Platt (a first cousin to my father on my grandmother's side with whom I became close when I lived there) called it "taxation without representation." Statehood for DC is not likely to occur as long as Right Wing Republicans remain in power because DC has a majority of African Americans and Democrats. There will be much to repair and improve when Trump is out and Biden is president. One item on the list should be STATEHOOD FOR DC as the 51st state.
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Trump has weakened America by distancing us from our alliance with Europe and by promoting division within Americans. By weakening America and our alliances, Trump has made Russia relatively stronger which is why Putin and his neo-KGB have interfered in the American elections to install Trump as his guy in the White House and Trump's enablers as his guys in the US Senate. To my Fellow Americans: November 2020 is our chance to fight back against this foreign attack on our country by voting to elect Joe Biden as president and make the Senate majority Democratic.
Saturday, July 4, 2020
As the November election draws nearer and Joe Biden's popularity grows while Trump's shrinks, Trump becomes more and more Trumpish, more crazy, more divisive, more anxious to please the most uncompromising xenophobic boiled down core of his base at the expense of driving away the true conservatives and moderates. It seems as though getting re-elected is no longer his primary goal. Why? Perhaps he doesn't really care. After all, although Trump demands scrupulous unthinking loyalty from others around him to himself, he has no loyalty to his followers. Trump as always is looking out for Trump. He sees the loyal core of his base as a financial opportunity after he leaves office. He will exit claiming the election was rigged and promising his base a return to white supremacy and whatever else they think they are losing as America continues to progress in the process of diversification that began with the onset of our republic. Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence listed as one of the grievances against King George the king's opposition to allowing immigration as an obstacle to American growth. Trump will continue to preach xenophobia to his shrinking base. Although they have become a minority of Americans, they are nonetheless millions in number and a reliable source of cash.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Selfish Trump is an incompetent corrupt liar compromised by Putin's neo-KGB.
Biden is an experienced talented honest patriotic statesman.
Trump has weakened America by separating us from our allies, thus serving the interests of enemies who would do us harm.
Biden will restore our alliances to make our country strong and safe.
Biden is an experienced talented honest patriotic statesman.
Trump has weakened America by separating us from our allies, thus serving the interests of enemies who would do us harm.
Biden will restore our alliances to make our country strong and safe.
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