Sunday, July 10, 2011

Why Judaism?

I am a follower of the Jewish religion, particularly the Conservative movement in Judaism as it is practiced in the U.S.A. I don't pretend to have arrived at this belief with complete objectivity. I grew up in this tradition and am comfortable with it. One of the differences between Judaism and most of the other Western monotheistic religions is that it is not a universal religion in the way that Christianity and Islam are. Judaism, beginning its evolution in a time when all the other religions were polytheistic, viewed its mission as bringing monotheism to the world, not necessarily Judaism. Judaism considers itself the way that the Jewish people worship God rather than a universal way for everyone. That is why Judaism does not go out of its way to convert Gentiles and why we are so few (13 million) compared to the major religions of the world. In a sense Christianity and Islam are the success of our mission, but we Jews want to remain Jews because that is who we are.

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