Saturday, June 16, 2012

Who is a Refugee?

There is a question of whether all the descendants of Arabs who left the land of Israel/Palestine in 1948 can still be considered refugees. The number of Arabs who left in 1948 were a few hundred thousands, but their descendants number in the millions. If they are all refugees, then logically my grandchildren, my children, and I must be refugees because my parents and grandparents were refugees who came to America to escape persecution in the Russian Empire. But actually my grandchildren, my children, and I are not refugees. We certainly don't perceive ourselves to be refugees. The descendants of Jewish refugees from Arab countries (most of whom live in Israel) do not consider themselves to be refugees and do not receive any help from the U.N. The problem is that the Arab nations surrounding Israel use the Palestinian refugees as pawns in opposing Israel, and even the Palestinian leaders do the same.

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