Thursday, February 27, 2020


It has been said that the crash of the stock market over the past few days is due to the coronavirus pandemic. I think the pandemic is the match that set off the explosion, but the actual dynamite that is exploding is a mixture of two factors. One factor is the economic  cycle which began when President Obama began the present economic recovery after the Republicans crashed it with tax cuts paid for with borrowing. Trump rode in on the coat tails of the Obama economy. Economic growth cycles eventually end. The second factor is that the Trump administration borrowed money to keep the growth going despite syphoning off money for Trump's tax scam (cut). That borrowing has created the largest deficit ever experienced by the US Treasury. The Trump deficit, taking down of government institutions, dishonesty, and recklessness have weakened America's ability to face crises like the one posed by the coronavirus or any other that might come along in the future.

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