Monday, July 5, 2021


I watched Caitlyn Jenner on the View today. She is running for California governor as a Republican against Gavin Newsom in the upcoming recall election. She claims to be inclusive. She says although she is new to politics but is surrounding herself with the “best people.” Joy Behar asked her the most important question which forced Jenner to reveal who she really is. The question was essentially, Did Biden fairly win the last presidential election or was the election rigged against Trump as Trump claims? Jenner’s answer was that she did not want to get into that. This reveals that Jenner is really a slavish Trumper, not inclusive. Surrounding herself with the “best people” is exactly what Trump said about himself. As it turned out, he surrounded himself with crooks like Trump, some of whom have been indicted and some of whom have gone to jail. Some have avoided jail because Trump used his power as president to get them off the hook. I suspect that Caitlyn Jenner would be an incompetent governor surrounded by incompetent crooked Trumpish advisors. As for California taxes being too high, you pay for what you get. If you want a state with good services, you have to pay for those services with tax money. Republicans have a history of lowering taxes as a benefit to their rich contributors while the rest of us (especially the poor) pay for those lower taxes with less benefits.

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