Wednesday, October 14, 2020


Is Judge Amy Coney Barrett a vegetarian? I googled that question and found no answer. My guess is that the no answer on google suggests that she is not a vegetarian although I could be wrong. My reason for posing the question is that Judge Barrett considers abortion morally wrong in that anti-abortionists consider the human fetus an independent human being. Pro-abortionists think of the human fetus as a part of the mother and therefore it is up to the mother to decide. Abortion is legal in the USA. The question of when in the pregnancy should abortion be legal varies from state to state and in the opinions of various people. It is also dependent on the health of the mother and the health of the fetus. Many of us feel that if the pregnancy is threatening the life of the mother, the mother’s life should take precedence at any stage. Also if it is obvious that the fetus has a developmental condition that would lead to a severely poor quality of life for the child, that would be reason for abortion.

Now why do I ask the question about vegetarianism? I, myself, am not a vegetarian. I limit my meat consumption, especially mammals, not so much out of pity for those animals, but more for health purposes and because nowadays plant based tasty imitation meat is readily available. However if one were to compare the consciousness of an adult cow or even a calf to a first trimester human fetus, the cow or calf is more conscious, more emotional, and therefore one might say has more of a soul.

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