Saturday, October 31, 2020


Donald Trump: You are such an idiot (and a sociopath)! You tried to sweep the COVID pandemic under the rug because you thought it would hurt you politically. If you would have shown some empathy for us American people (even if you would have faked the empathy part), you would have done what American presidents have done in the past (like Lincoln with the Confederacy Rebellion, FDR in World War II, the older George Bush when Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Younger George Bush at 9-11 although he could have eliminated the side war in Iraq, and Barak Obama with the Ebola epidemic) by being honest and stepping up to the plate. But instead you chose the chicken option by pretending the pandemic is no big deal. Well, your stupidity, laziness, and lack of courage has backfired on you. It has exposed what a fake you are. Your loyal zombies who will follow you into any abyss unbelievably make up a shrinking 1/3 of our population. But the election will be won by the 2/3 of us who have come to see you as you are and who will overcome your voter suppression, dismantling of the US Postal Service, gerrymandering, neo-KGB hacking, and other misdeeds to win the election. Donald, you exposed yourself. America has been hit harder by COVID then any other country in the developed world because of your mismanagement. It is time for you to step aside when we get Joe Biden as a real president. Remember Donald, COVID! COVID! COVID! will remain in your nightmares.

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