Terrence Floyd, George Floyd's brother, spoke on television today, correctly urging the continuation of peaceful protest and promoting the vote as a solution to America's problems, but denouncing violence as counter-productive. It was in stark contrast to Trump's tough guy approach in scolding the mayors and governors for their reticence to use excessive force (violence) against protesters. Donald, why were you not tough with the neo-Nazis who invaded Charlotteville and committed murder by driving a car into a peaceful group of people? Trump wants to appear tough to his base, but Donald where was your toughness when you dodged the draft during the Vietnam War? Your bone spurs conveniently appeared then and disappeared when you did not need them anymore.
Donald, you won your office of president in spite of losing the popular vote through gerrymandering, the unfairness of the electoral college, and the aid of Putin's neo-KGB. You gave away America's treasure to your fast-buck oligarch cronies with the tax scam and tried to make up for it by borrowing so much money that you created the biggest deficit ever. You interfered with America's response to COVID 19 by trying to sweep it under the rug, calling it a "hoax" until it became so obvious you could no longer avoid it. Terrence Floyd spoke the truth, and his truth will trump your lies.