Monday, June 29, 2020


Trump claims to support the American troops and the flag. Trump talks the talk, but he does not walk the walk. In fact the opposite is true. Hypocrite Trump has stabbed our troops in the back by ignoring the American intelligence report that Putin's Russia has put a bounty on the heads of American troops in Afghanistan. Trump even went so far as to continue promoting Russia's acceptance into the G7 despite Putin's hostility. What makes Trump so obsequious to Putin? What does Putin have over Trump? Why has Trump allowed himself to become a Putin asset? Does he owe money to Putin's Russian oligarchs (mobsters)? We need to see Trump's income tax reports.
And by the way, remember Trump dodged the draft during the Vietnam War.

Sunday, June 28, 2020


The New York Times reported that US intelligence determined that Russian intelligence offered bounties to insurgents in Afghanistan to kill American soldiers and that the White House was briefed on this determination. As far as we know, Trump did nothing about it. Trump denies ever receiving such information. Trump listens to his buddy Putin. The neo-KGB through social media influenced the 2016 presidential election in Trump's favor and was probably an important factor in getting him elected. Trump lies incessantly, but if Trump's denial were true, there still would be something wrong. Why did he not receive this information? Were the people around him afraid to tell him what he did not want to hear? Did he forget because of senility? Or did he simply lie as usual because he is compromised by Putin and the neo-KGB? Any answer speaks to Trump's disloyalty to America, his gross incompetence, or a mental problem.

Saturday, June 27, 2020


Donald Trump was born a rich man's son and in an environment that valued wealth above all else. He attempted to live up to that standard by taking the large amount of money that was given to him and trying to increase it's size, but early on he lost it because of his incompetence and superficiality. Then to make it back up he resorted to questionable actions like laundering money for Russian oligarchs/mobsters. He sought money in any way because he considers money as his only self worth. Prior to winning the presidency, his major success was in his superficial reality (or should one say unreality?) television show. When elected president, he brought with him his incompetence, corruption, greed, and superficiality. and that is how our country has been managed (or should one say mismanaged?) the past 3 1/2 years.
VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN. Bring competence, authenticity, dignity, and honesty back to the White House.

Friday, June 26, 2020


Trump opposes mail in voting for Americans. He claims that mail in allows for voter fraud, but that is a lie. Preventing American voters from using mail in voting is VOTER SUPPRESSION. Republicans know that most Americans are Democrats, especially now since Trump has been president. Therefore if less Americans vote, that favors the Republican party. Trump himself votes by mail. He doesn't want his fellow citizens to enjoy the same privilege. Trump knows he is extremely unpopular because of his incompetence and corruption. He is desperate to do any dirty trick that favors him politically. Americans (Democrats, Independents, and rational Republicans) must be vigilant. We must not allow the Trump, Barr, McConnell, Putin gang to steal the presidency again. We need a Democratic President, Senate, and House of Representatives to clean up the mess that Trump will leave behind. VOTE DEMOCRATIC, VOTE FOR BIDEN.


Donald Trump is an incompetent corrupt bigoted self-serving liar and crook who delayed addressing the COVID19 plague in an attempt to sweep it under the rug because he thought it would hurt him politically. He also is the unpatriotic guy who conspired with Putin's neo-KGB to help Trump win the presidency by manipulating the electoral college while losing the popular vote. Trump is also the guy who stole huge amounts of money from ordinary Americans in his tax scam to divert it to his rich cronies who need it the least.
Joe Biden is an empathetic honest patriotic American with years of experience at the highest levels of government. Biden will be ready on day one of his presidency to start cleaning up the mess that Trump has created and take America to new heights. VOTE FOR BIDEN!

Thursday, June 25, 2020


I would like to share with you an observation by a Delaware rabbi which I received on a chain email concerning Joe Biden that illustrates that he is a mensch (a Yiddish word that means a good person, a quality that is lacking in President Trump).
The story I’m about to share with you about Joe Biden is special -- in fact, I’m fairly certain I’m the only living person left who actually witnessed it firsthand.
 It was about 16 years ago, and I was a young rabbi, brand-new to Delaware, on my way to lead a shiva minyan -- a worship service following a death of a Jewish person. I was from  California. Back then, I didn’t know Claymont, Delaware from Scranton,  Pennsylvania.
 A quick bit of background: When someone passes away in the Jewish faith, we observe seven days of mourning, called shiva. We gather a group of ten Jewish adults together -- a minyan -- to say the Mourners’ Kaddish. It usually happens in a person’s home -- somewhere intimate.
 In this case, the deceased individual -- her name was Mrs. Greenhouse,  of blessed memory -- had not been a person of means. She had lived in  rent-controlled senior housing in a tall high-rise building off of  Namaans Road. Her apartment had been too small to fit everyone into, so  we conducted our worship service in the building’s communal laundry  room, in the basement of the high-rise.
 We assembled the ten elders together, and it was in this most humble of places that I began to lead the kaddish.  Toward the end of the service, a door at the back of the laundry room  opened, and who walks in but Senator Joe Biden, his head lowered, all by  himself.
 I nearly dropped my prayer book in shock. Senator Biden stood quietly in the back of the room for the duration of the service.  At the close of the kaddish, I walked over to him and asked  the same question that must have been on everyone else’s mind: “Senator  Biden -- what are you doing here?”
 And he said to me: “Listen, back in 1972, when I first ran for Senate,  Mrs. Greenhouse gave $18 to my first campaign. Because that’s what she  could afford. And every six years, when I’d run for reelection, she’d  give another $18. She did it her whole life. I’m here to show my respect  and gratitude.”
 Now, the number 18 is significant in the Jewish faith -- its numbers spell out the Hebrew word chai, as in “to life, to life, l’chayim!” But it’s also a humble amount. Joe Biden knew that. And he respected that.
 There were no news outlets at our service that day -- no Jewish  reporters or important dignitaries Just a few elderly mourners in a  basement laundry room.
Joe Biden didn’t come to that  service for political gain. He came to that service because he has  character. He came to that service because he’s a mensch.
 And if we need anything right now when it comes to the leadership of our country -- we need a mensch.
 I know this is such a simple, small story. But I tell it to as many people as will listen to me.
 Because I think that, in their heart of hearts, when people are trying  to think about the decision they’ll make this year -- this is the kind  of story that matters.
 Joe Biden is a mensch. We need a mensch.
-- Rabbi Michael Beals of Delaware

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Democrats of Kentucky:
It appears that the Primary run for Democratic Senate nominee to face McConnell (Moscow Mitch) is tight between Amy McGrath who is more to the Center and Charles Booker who is more to the Left. I  don't live in Kentucky, but if I were a Kentuckian I would probably favor McGrath because I think she has a better chance of beating Moscow Mitch. However, whichever candidate wins the nomination I would support that nominee, McGrath or Booker.

All Americans Democrats and Rational Moderate Republicans:
It is most important to win the White House and Senate and keep the House of Representatives. The Trump, Barr, McConnell, Putin gang have done extreme damage to American democracy which will require a lot of effort for the new administration to fix. Most American people favor Biden and honesty, but we will have to win overwhelmingly to overcome the dirty tricks of the Trump, Barr, McConnell, Putin gang who have stacked the deck against the American people. So Americans if you want to keep American democracy intact and fair, vote, encourage others to vote, call, text, write post cards, contribute, do whatever it takes elect Joe Biden and a majority of Democratic seats in the Senate. America depends on us.

Thursday, June 18, 2020


Trump uses his power as president to promote his own personal financial and political interests, those of his family, those of his wealthy cronies, and those of his creditors including Putin and Putin's Russian oligarchs and mobsters. Trump and his gang colluded with Putin's neo-KGB internet manipulators to influence enough Americans in Trump's favor in crucial electoral college states to win the presidential election. The last 3 1/2 years have exposed Trump's incompetence. Over that time he has removed advisors who have not blindly agreed with his misdeeds and replaced them with incompetent idiots as long as they agree with him. Trump tried to put the muscle on the government of Ukraine to lie about Joe Biden, his American political opponent, using their vulnerability to Russian aggression as leverage. Bolton's book exposes how Trump also tried to get China to help him politically. Trump's incompetence in attempting to hide the COVID19 pandemic from the American people delayed our response which allowed the plague to get even more out of hand which furthermore worsened the economic effects of this plague. America was even more exposed to economic disaster by Trump's tax scam which diverted America's money to Trump's richest cronies which was paid for by borrowing resulting in our greatest deficit ever.
Joe Biden is an experienced American statesman. As president he will work for the interests of the American people. His mistakes will be honest ones, and he will admit it when he makes them. VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN TO MAKE AMERICA NORMAL. HE WILL WORK FOR YOU.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Joe Biden appeals to a broad group of Americans including Democrats and reasonable slightly right of center Republicans who have left the Republican party since it was hijacked by the Trump gang. This broad tent over the Democratic party has left Trump with a small shell of gullibles, bigots, senators who fear abandoning Trump will lose them a nomination, and regular Republicans who just can't admit to making a mistake in supporting Trump. Look at how many former Republicans are commentators on MSNBC. They don't just come detached. They represent a large group of former Republicans who have come over because of the extremes of Trump and his gang. Now some on the extreme Left are complaining that Biden isn't left enough and saying this might lose him the election. I would say to them, "Didn't you learn from 2016 when some of the super-left stayed home? Do you want another miserable 4 years of Trump?" Winning back the House of Representatives in 2018 came from electing pragmatic Democrats in formerly red areas. Obama won his election 12 years ago not by being a super-leftist. He won because the American people recognized that he was a rational slightly left of center pragmatist. The center has shifted a little leftward which is where Biden and the American people are now. After we Democrats win the presidential election, Biden is president, and Trump is out, and especially if we can win over the Senate as well as the House, the Leftists and the Centrists can duke it out within the Democratic party. Perhaps eventually the Republicans will realize that the center has moved leftward and will adjust their position accordingly bringing back the 2 party debate. Stubborn purity in either direction is non-productive for America.

Saturday, June 13, 2020


In the midst of the crises of the day including the COVID19 crisis bungled by Trump, the economic collapse enhanced by Trump's mishandling of COVID19 as  well as the huge deficit created by Trump's tax scam, and Trump's downplaying of the murder of George Floyd which opened the hornets nest of need for police reform, we tend to forget Trump's collusion with Vladimir Putin and Putin's neo-KGB which Trump and his gang readily embraced in order to get Trump elected president.

Friday, June 12, 2020


By trying to minimize the treat of COVID19 in the minds of his followers, Trump maximized the real effect of COVID19 on the health of the American people and through that to the economy of America. He argued that the virus was a threat to China and not an American problem. His feared that recognizing coronavirus would hurt the economy and threaten his run for re-election. His most faithful in his base swallowed his simplistic views, but most Americans have seen through him. As Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." So now that worst effects of Trumpism are surfacing the "some of the people" are progressively shrinking. Trump will lose the popular vote, but we Americans must be vigilant. We must not allow the electoral college, voter suppression, and neo-KGB bots to steal the election from us. VOTE FOR JOE. ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO VOTE FOR JOE. JOE BIDEN FOR PRESIDENT FOR THE SAKE OF AMERICAN DEMOCRACY.

Thursday, June 11, 2020


What if Trump won't leave when Biden is elected president. Well, it looks like Trump will not be able to stage a military coup. The army chief of staff and a number of retired generals have stated rightly that the military must follow the Constitution and not interfere in the civilian government. If the buffoon is late in leaving, the new president can move into some other building and shut off the power and water to the White House until Trump vacates. No need for anything more dramatic.
Trump will not want to sit in the dark without water or functioning toilets. He'll leave.


Seeing the knee of Derek Chauvid on the neck of Georg Floyd strangling him to death while Floyd is already subdued and handcuffed shows an obvious crime of  murder on the part of the policeman. The other policemen pushing on Floyd's back and not stopping Chauvid makes them complicit in the crime. There is a history of systemic racism in America which shows up in the police with disregard for Black lives. Black men and women fill jails disproportionate to the crimes they commit. Police reform is long overdue. But solving the problem is not just police reform. There are other measures that need to be taken. Most importantly we need gun control. Police at times have to make split second life and death decisions of shoot or not to shoot which can result in wrongful death of the public or death of the police. This is particularly true in poor neighborhoods where crime rates are higher than in well to do neighborhoods. In America we are way behind other first world countries in that regard. We have many more gun deaths than other countries. America is a gun anarchy. The NRA and gun anarchists have taken over our country, making America unsafe for police as well as the public. If guns were taken off the streets the police might be less fast on the trigger. The gun anarchists claim it is their right to own guns. They look upon gun control as an infringement on their freedom. But what about freedom for the rest of us? Are we supposed to be subjected to these bullies who parade around with rifles and automatic weapons slung over their shoulders to intimidate law abiding people? The greedy gun manufacurers behind the NRA value their profits over our lives and freedom. We also need more resources devoted to raising the socio-economic levels among prople who have been traditionally poor. The problem is complex and won't be solved overnight or by one change, but we need to start. Some big starts should be:
1. POLICE REFORM. It is OK for police unions to bargain for wages, but they should not be dicating police policy that protects police actions but are detrimental to the communities that they serve. It has also been suggested that police are often called to solve domestic and psychiatric emergencies that could be better solved by appropriate social services.
2, GUN CONTROL. This is necessary for the protection of the police as well as the public. It won't be an immediate fix, but the beginning of improvement will be relatively quick and over time will remove one of the major causes of wrongful death.
3. SOCIAL IMPROVEMENT. If the economic and educational situation in the poorer communities can be raised, there will be less crime and less need for police reaction.

Sunday, June 7, 2020


We have seen the invasion of Washington, DC by Trump and Barr sending police, national guard, and unmarked armed people of unknown or unclear origin (vigilantes? off duty prison guards?) into the city and sending police to attack peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park to clear the way for Trump to walk across the park to the church on the other side of the park to make an uninvited photo-op in front of the church.
We have also seen the opposition by the mayor of Washington to Trump's invasion.
This reinforces the need to make the District of Columbia a state so that the people of that city can enjoy the same right of representation in Congress that the rest of us US citizens enjoy.

Saturday, June 6, 2020


Black lives matter. The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman who put his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck while Mr. Floyd was in handcuffs was obviously wrong and appears on television to have been murder in some degree. To add to the evidence, the main offender has a record of complaints in the past. The other 3 policemen appear to have been complicit by not stepping in to stop the main offender. There does seem to be an attitude among some policemen to be overly aggressive against African Americans and other minorities to the point of posing a danger to Black young men.
Although Mr Floyd's murder did not involve a gun, some fatal shootings by the police have occurred in situations, especially in high crime areas, where in an instant a policeman has to make a decision whether or not to shoot. Erring on the side of being too fast on the trigger could result in killing an innocent person. Being too slow could result in injury or death to the policeman. I believe the remedy here should include strict gun control. I realize this must sound like heresy to gun anarchists who hide behind their interpretation of the Second Amendment. In the USA guns are much more prevalent than in other countries, and gun deaths are much more common.
The solution to the problem is very complex. The solutions involve better police training and better police scrutiny, and fostering better relations with the communities they serve. On the other hand, safety of the police must also be considered. Gun control must be promoted whether the NRA and gun anarchists like it or not. Also social and economic advancement in poor communities will help.

Friday, June 5, 2020


Trump, the dishonest cronies (like AG Barr) he has infitrated into into high government positions, and the cowardly Republican senators who have rubber stamped Trump's worst intentions have challenged American values to an unbelievable extent. If Trump had his way, he would turn America into a fascist dictatorship. Fortunately Trump's challenge to American democracy has awoken the American people to rise up against him with lawful protest. Unfortunately the peaceful daytime protesters are infiltrated at night by violent destroyers and looters (extremist on the right as well as the left) which give fuel and cover to Trump's evils. The looters and destroyers need to be called out by the peaceful protesters. The remedy will be at the balance box and the vigilance to prevent Trump from stealing that remedy away from America (which he would do if given the opportunity). DEMOCRATS AND RATIONAL REPUBLICANS: THIS YEAR IN NOVEMBER VOTE DEMOCRATIC. ONCE TRUMP AND HIS GANGSTERS ARE OUT AND AMERICAN DEMOCRACY HAS BEEN RESTORED, WE CAN DUKE IT OUT AGAIN BETWEEN THE PARTIES.

Thursday, June 4, 2020


General James Mattis was one of the competent patriots who stayed in the Trump administration to keep a balance to the chaos brought into our government by Trump. But like the others who were fired for speaking truth to power or resigned because they just couldn't take it anymore, he resigned. When they left, Trump replaced them with corrupt and inept sycophant cronies. Since he left, Mattis remained silent which he considered the appropriate thing to do, but recently when Trump used the police and national guard against Americans exercising their right to peaceful protest in Lafayette Park and threatened to use the US Army against the American people, General Mattis had to speak up. We Americans are stuck with Trump for the rest of this year but we must make our voices heard at the election in November. Americans, vote! The deck will be stacked against us by voter suppression, interference by Putin's neo-KGB, and the inequities of the electoral college. So America will need an overwhelming popular vote to throw out Trump and the rascals in the Senate who slavishly support his nonsense. 

Wednesday, June 3, 2020


Former President Obama gave a balanced thoughtful discussion of the problem of the relationship between the police and the African American community today. Former Vice President Biden gave an empathetic discussion of the problem recently. These discussions contrasted greatly with Trump's chaotic, stupid, and simplistic rants. Trump sent the police to attack the peaceful protesters in Lafayette Park with tear gas to clear Trump's path to the historic church on the other side of the park contrary to the wishes of the church's clergy. Trump then created a photo-op by standing in front of the church displaying a bible. This was probably for the evangelicals among his followers (even though Trump has a history of being a sexual predator). Trump also has threatened to call up the US military to attack the protesters. Trump doesn't know or care that in America we are supposed to have the freedom to peacefully protest, but Wannabe Dictator Trump does not understand American values.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Trump calls himself the "Law and Order President," Really? Donald, you're such a hypocrite! such a liar! How can you anoint yourself with such a lofty title. You are the crook who swindled the students of what you called "Trump University." You are the guy who has consorted with Russian mobsters and laundered their ill gotten gains through your real estate scams. You are the traitor who colluded with Putin, the Russian dictator and adversary of America, to gain the support of  his neo-KGB to win the electoral college and through it the presidency. So don't tell me you're the law and order president. You're just a crook.

Monday, June 1, 2020


Terrence Floyd, George Floyd's brother, spoke on television today, correctly urging the continuation of peaceful protest and promoting the vote as a solution to America's problems, but denouncing violence as counter-productive. It was in stark contrast to Trump's tough guy approach in scolding the mayors and governors for their reticence to use excessive force (violence) against protesters. Donald, why were you not tough with the neo-Nazis who invaded Charlotteville and committed murder by driving a car into a peaceful group of people? Trump wants to appear tough to his base, but Donald where was your toughness when you dodged the draft during the Vietnam War? Your bone spurs conveniently appeared then and disappeared when you did not need them anymore.
Donald, you won your office of president in spite of losing the popular vote through gerrymandering, the unfairness of the electoral college, and the aid of Putin's neo-KGB. You gave away America's treasure to your fast-buck oligarch cronies with the tax scam and tried to make up for it by borrowing so much money that you created the biggest deficit ever. You interfered with America's response to COVID 19 by trying to sweep it under the rug, calling it a "hoax" until it became so obvious you could no longer avoid it. Terrence Floyd spoke the truth, and his truth will trump your lies.