Saturday, June 6, 2020


Black lives matter. The killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman who put his knee on Mr. Floyd's neck while Mr. Floyd was in handcuffs was obviously wrong and appears on television to have been murder in some degree. To add to the evidence, the main offender has a record of complaints in the past. The other 3 policemen appear to have been complicit by not stepping in to stop the main offender. There does seem to be an attitude among some policemen to be overly aggressive against African Americans and other minorities to the point of posing a danger to Black young men.
Although Mr Floyd's murder did not involve a gun, some fatal shootings by the police have occurred in situations, especially in high crime areas, where in an instant a policeman has to make a decision whether or not to shoot. Erring on the side of being too fast on the trigger could result in killing an innocent person. Being too slow could result in injury or death to the policeman. I believe the remedy here should include strict gun control. I realize this must sound like heresy to gun anarchists who hide behind their interpretation of the Second Amendment. In the USA guns are much more prevalent than in other countries, and gun deaths are much more common.
The solution to the problem is very complex. The solutions involve better police training and better police scrutiny, and fostering better relations with the communities they serve. On the other hand, safety of the police must also be considered. Gun control must be promoted whether the NRA and gun anarchists like it or not. Also social and economic advancement in poor communities will help.

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