Friday, June 26, 2020


Trump opposes mail in voting for Americans. He claims that mail in allows for voter fraud, but that is a lie. Preventing American voters from using mail in voting is VOTER SUPPRESSION. Republicans know that most Americans are Democrats, especially now since Trump has been president. Therefore if less Americans vote, that favors the Republican party. Trump himself votes by mail. He doesn't want his fellow citizens to enjoy the same privilege. Trump knows he is extremely unpopular because of his incompetence and corruption. He is desperate to do any dirty trick that favors him politically. Americans (Democrats, Independents, and rational Republicans) must be vigilant. We must not allow the Trump, Barr, McConnell, Putin gang to steal the presidency again. We need a Democratic President, Senate, and House of Representatives to clean up the mess that Trump will leave behind. VOTE DEMOCRATIC, VOTE FOR BIDEN.

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