Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Democrats of Kentucky:
It appears that the Primary run for Democratic Senate nominee to face McConnell (Moscow Mitch) is tight between Amy McGrath who is more to the Center and Charles Booker who is more to the Left. I  don't live in Kentucky, but if I were a Kentuckian I would probably favor McGrath because I think she has a better chance of beating Moscow Mitch. However, whichever candidate wins the nomination I would support that nominee, McGrath or Booker.

All Americans Democrats and Rational Moderate Republicans:
It is most important to win the White House and Senate and keep the House of Representatives. The Trump, Barr, McConnell, Putin gang have done extreme damage to American democracy which will require a lot of effort for the new administration to fix. Most American people favor Biden and honesty, but we will have to win overwhelmingly to overcome the dirty tricks of the Trump, Barr, McConnell, Putin gang who have stacked the deck against the American people. So Americans if you want to keep American democracy intact and fair, vote, encourage others to vote, call, text, write post cards, contribute, do whatever it takes elect Joe Biden and a majority of Democratic seats in the Senate. America depends on us.

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